A ridiculous amount of time has gone by since my last post. After a little bit of nagging from the long distance relatives, I decided to make an album on Kodak Gallery to compile many pictures from our summer adventures just so they could see what Sophie and Jack have been up to. Long story short, we had a very fun yet busy summer, and the highlights were a family reunion of sorts in Monterey Bay, California, along with a visit in Atlanta from Oma (Eric's Mom) and Tante (Aunt) Karin.
In early September, we had a wonderful family vacation to Litchfield Beach, which is just south of Myrtle Beach in South Carolina. We shared a house with 3 other families who are good friends from Atlanta (with kids the same ages). Amongst that crowd was the infamous Kiki, who Sophie has basically grown up with. Both girls had the time of their lives doing everything together, whether it was swimming in the pool at our rental house, jumping waves in the ocean, trading clothes, and having sleepovers every night in the same big bed. They had their normal share of squabbles too, but for the most part, they really enjoyed each other. We must give a big shout out to Abba (Kiki's Daddy), who was always willing to take Sophie under his wing if we were otherwise occupied with Jack. He was in charge of bath and bedtime most nights, and orchestrated some fun beach activities like kite flying and running races on the beach. Even Jack has been chanting Abba's name ever since we returned home!
Many thanks to the James family for coordinating the trip. Kylie, or as Jack would say "Kai", is one of our favorite friends to play with since she is smack dab in the middle of Sophie and Jack when it comes to age. She frequently vacillated between smothering Jack with kisses and hugs, and playing dress up with the "big" girls.
And then there was Ainslee Monroe, the daughter of Vicki and Scott, who Sophie has also known since they were very little. Ainslee cracked me up with all of her questions, especially about why Jack (who was nicknamed "Jackosaurus" on our trip) was screaming. I don't think she was very satisfied when my reply was simply, "That's just what he does...I have no idea why". Nonetheless, Jack seemed to bond with everyone there, and was even the best sleeper of the bunch, which was a big surprise to me and Eric (especially considering the fact that he was sleeping in our bathroom!).
Can't wait to do it again next year!