Monday, June 21, 2010


Father's Day is always bittersweet for me. I can't help but reflect and reminisce on the times I shared with my Dad, who I wish was still here to be part of my life, enjoy my children and offer the little snippets of wisdom that only fathers can do.

On the other hand, I celebrate the fact that I have been blessed with an amazing husband who is also an amazing father. Admittedly, I'm sometimes jealous that Eric's their first pick when it comes to just about anything. Yet, I'm delighted by the mutual affection he shares with Sophie and Jack, and I'm even learning to accept that fact that often times, in the words of our good friend Jeff James, "Daddy does it different".

I love that Eric isn't afraid to jump in and truly engage in the lives of our children, and that even after a long day at work, he seems to never run out of patience, energy and love. I am so thankful to be sharing this journey with him.

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